Jethro Mobile 米国旅行プラン
この travel プランでは、通話とテキストが無制限で、 5G/4G LTE 高速データを含む期間を選択できます。高速データ容量がなくなると、旅行プランの有効期限が切れるまでデータが2Gの速度に低下します。ビジネス、休暇、またはその他の旅行ニーズで長期間米国に旅行するビジターに最適です。カナダおよびその他 80 か国への無制限の通話とテキスト メッセージが追加料金なしで含まれています。
Jethro Mobile は T-Mobile のネットワーク を利用しており、手頃な価格で信頼性の高いシンプルなプランを提供しています. サービスは 3 つのステップで簡単に有効化できます!ご不明な点がございましたら、1-877-553-8476 までお気軽にお問い合わせください。
このプランは、アラスカを除く、米国 プエルトリコと米領バージン諸島を含む全国範囲をカバーし、4G VOLTE 以上の GSM ロック解除電話と互換性があります。これには、iPhone と Android フォンが含まれます。シンプルさがすべてです。 Jethro プランには契約は必要ありません。訪問先の場所に基づいて、現地の米国番号が提供されます。
- Unlimited talk and text with high-speed data (Plan Only)
- Nationwide USA coverage
- Local US phone number.
- Unlimited calling from the USA to Canada, Mexico and Japan.
- Add-ons available in 500MB, 1GB, and 3GB
- Before traveling, you will need to make sure your device is unlocked. If your phone is locked to a certain carrier, you will need to contact that service provider to assist in unlocking your phone.
- If you have a T-Mobile locked phone, you do not need to unlock it because our service runs off of T-Mobile.
- Please make sure your phone is at least 4G VOLTE and compatible before leaving for the States.
- To check if your phone is compatible, you will need your IMEI number. To get the IMEI number dial *#06# then enter the number here.
- We are available to assist you in checking compatibility 7 days a week from 7AM to 6PM PST.
- The SIM card must be activated before it will work. Activate anytime online here or call us at 1.877.553.8476 during regular customer service hours (7 days a week from 7AM to 6PM PST) for assistance. If you are a first-time visitor, you will need to create a Jethro Mobile account before you start the activation process. If you are an existing customer, you may log in to manage and add a new line to your account.
- Activate immediately or schedule your activation for a later date. You can pre-activate your service up to 45 days prior to your trip and none of your plan will be consumed prior to your scheduled activation date. If your travel date changes after scheduling your activation, contact us so we can adjust the activation date.
- When activating, please use a US address in order to get a local US number. Getting your number only takes 5 minutes, and you will receive your phone number via email. Once your service has activated, simply insert your SIM card, turn your phone off and back on, and start making phone calls. Please keep in mind, the service will not work until you are in the US.
- Follow along with this step-by-step tutorial here on how to activate your service.
- You can renew your plan manually or automatically. Please see our tutorial video on how to renew your plan here. We recommend using auto-renewal so you do not experience a service interruption. Auto-renewal can be cancelled at any time and does not require any contracts or have any additional fees. Renewals can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance.
- Please see this tutorial on how to set up auto-renewal here. If you prefer, you can also call us at 1.877.553.8476 between 7AM and 6PM PST any day of the week to speak to a friendly customer service representative.
- All renewals will be in USD.
- We will keep your phone number for 45 days without a service plan attached. This means you can keep the same phone number and sim card for the next trip. Simply add a plan and start traveling. If you are coming back after 45 days, we suggest subscribing to the $5 plan to keep your number and SIM card active. Simply manage your account online and view plan details here.